
kill what i cannot catch

Stages of Culture Shock
Culture shock has many stages. Each stage can be ongoing or appear only at certain times. The first stage is the incubation stage. In this first stage, the new arrival may feel euphoric and be pleased by all of the new things encountered. This time is called the "honeymoon" stage, as everything encountered is new and exciting.

Afterwards, the second stage presents itself. A person may encounter some difficult times and crises in daily life. In this stage, there may be feelings of discontent, impatience, anger, sadness, and feeling incompetence. This happens when a person is trying to adapt to a new culture that is very different from the culture of origin. Transition between the old methods and those of the new country is a difficult process and takes time to complete. During the transition, there can be strong feelings of dissatisfaction.

Ma igatsen Budapesti siis kui mind valdab sisemine rahtus: selline suuremapoolne, mis väljendub teises klaasis punases veinis ja selles, et ma kuulan vaheldumisi Fiona Apple'it ja Bright Eyes'i (mis pole juba iseenesest hea märk).

Sellistel hetkedel, kus töö keelab mul tegelikult muuga tegelemise, aga oma rahutus on vaja kuskile välja elada. BP-s tulid emotsioonid kiiresti välja ja siis ei jäänudki midagi muud üle kui edasi liikuda. Kas tööle hakata või minna ja vaadata, mis toimub Szimplas, Potkultcsis või Läänebalkanites, et järjejutt jätluks.

Ma ju teadsin kogu aeg, et üks hetk saab puhas Eesti-ekstaas otsa. Mitte et midagi halvasti oleks. Lihtsalt rahutu olla oli Budapetis mõnusam. Oli see linn, mis oli nõus sind igal hetkel sisse higama, kui sa ainult lasid. Lobiseda just online tulnud Jasminaga, kes ainsana teab, misasi on Budapesti-pohmell pärast aastat ebareaalses maailmas.

Jasmina says:
btw - i'm missing Bp as well
teadur eeva says:
jasmina: if i want, i can go back to bp, right?
teadur eeva says:
you're the only one who understands
Jasmina says:
you can
Jasmina says:
eeva: if i want, i can go back to bp again?
teadur eeva says:
yes you can
teadur eeva says:
we could go and do it tomorrow
Jasmina says:
teadur eeva says:
but i actually want back to CEU
Jasmina says:
actually, me too
i want to do my phd
Jasmina says:
you can
teadur eeva says:
remember how much we cried that year
teadur eeva says:
why do we want it back???
Jasmina says:
i remember how much i cried after that year
teadur eeva says:
i have only started crying now
it is just a bit hard this week
teadur eeva says:
i am seeing the down side

Jasmina says:
in soc program 14 boys and 8 girls this year
Jasmina says:
can u imagine???
teadur eeva says:
teadur eeva says:
Jasmina says:
we picked the wrong year
Jasmina says:


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